"We preach Christ crucified"  
1 Corinthians 1:23

Who are we?

We are a local assembly of Christains preferring no distinctive denominational name, acknowledging only Christ as Head and subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The assembly was formed over 80 years ago and without a break up to the present has shared a common concern to capture the Christian Unity of the New Testament and, freed from tradition or arthority outside the Scriptures, and needing no ministerial order, to continue steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers.

Our Faith

The faith which we hold and teach is founded entirely on the Bible, namely, that God is One and is revealed in Scripture as a Trinity of Persons in essential unity, existing etetnally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in glory co-equal, in majesty co-eternal.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, God manifest in flesh, being born of a virgin and as the man Christ Jesus.  He lived a perfect and holy life and died on the cross of Calvary as a substitute in the place of sinful men.  On  the third day He arose form the grave and the Lord Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God in heaven.  We believe that He will personally come again for the deliverance and blessing of those He has redeemed by His blood and will reign over the earth as King of Kings and Lord of lords.


Our Message

In obedience to the command of the Lord Jesus we seek to preach the Gospel to all, which is the Good News of God's grace to a fallen race of men.  As guilty sinners our only hope of salvation from God's righteous wrath is through the exercise of personal faith in Jesus Christ who came into the world to save sinners.  By His atoning death and glorious resurrection He has made possible the forgiveness of sins.  Forgiveness and eternal life are God's free gift to all who receive Him as Saviour and confess Him as Lord.

Believing this we therefore beseech men to be reconciled to God in this the day of His grace and long suffering, for we know that God has appointed a day in which He  will judge the world in righteousness, by Christ, that man whom He hath ordained.


Our Practices

Since the Scriptures are divinely inspired and are the authoritative and sufficient guide on all matters of faith and practice, we believe that every aspect of the Christian life, both individual and corporate should be based upon the Word of God, and with this in view we meet for regular Bible study.

We practise the New Testament teaching of Baptism by immersion in water of believers only, that is of those who have come to a personal experience of the grace of God in Christ and who wish to be obedient to the Lord in this act.

We observe the ordinance of the Lord's supper or Breaking of Bread every Sunday morning in remembrance of the Lord, and this is carried out in the simplicity of the institution of this feast just prior to our Lord's crucifixion.


Our Meetings

                          Sunday    10:30 am                            Breaking of bread

                                  6:30 pm                            Gospel service

                Tuesday  10:30 am                            Coffee morning

                Thursday   8:00 pm                            Prayer meeting and Bible study


For more information please contact  Colin Brooke on:

                                                                     mobile      07967 668656

                                          email       colinpbrooke@hotmail.com


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